Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why does __file use absolute path?
    The __file variable is used by devtools to provide "open in editor" feature. However, in production mode only filename is used. See issue #258 to enable production mode.

  • Error: Cannot find module vue-template-compiler?
    vue-template-compiler has a constraint that it should be exact same version as vue that is why it is included as peer dependency. Make sure you install vue-template-compiler and vue in your project.

  • Error: Cannot find module less or node-sass or stylus?
    If you're using any of the style languages (other than css) supported in .vue file, you have to install that language's compiler.

  • Error: 'default' is not exported by node_modules/vue-runtime-helpers/dist/normalize-component.js
    You may encounter this error when using version 4.6.2 onwards. The solution is to include rollup-plugin-commonjs. In your config file rollup.config.js, you have to import this plugin and invoke it like so:

    import vue from 'rollup-plugin-vue';
    import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs';
    export default {
      entry: 'index.js',
      plugins: [